1. Application Form
The College of New Jersey invites all businesses to participate in the procurement of goods and services. It is the policy of The College of New Jersey to provide equal opportunity to all vendors while encouraging price competition throughout the procurement process.
Vendors interested in doing business with the College are encouraged to complete and email the Vendor Qualification Sheet to budfin@tcnj.edu. Architects/engineers, please visit the Campus Planning page to complete the Qualtrics survey form.
2. State of New Jersey Business Registration Certificates
A vendor and its named subcontractor providing goods or services in excess of $5,160 to the College are required to be registered with the Division of Revenue with the State of New Jersey in accordance with New Jersey statute N.J.S.A. 52:32-44(b) prior to the award of a contract. Further information about this requirement can be obtained directly from the State using this website: http://www.state.nj.us/treasury/revenue/gettingregistered.shtml
3. Political Contribution Disclosure (P.L. 2005 c. 51). At $17,500 and above vendors must comply with Chapter 51 and Executive Order 117; and Equal Employment Opportunity N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 and N.J.A.C. 17:27.
4. Insurance Certificate. Vendors doing business with the College must provide the Purchasing Department proof of insurance covering the term of the contract and for the specific liability coverage identified in the request for proposal or the College’s terms and conditions.
5. Advertised Bidding Opportunities. Advertised bid notices are posted in the Trentonian and Request For Proposals (RFP) are posted on our web site (bids.tcnj.edu). Download RFP and addenda that are of interest to your company.
6. Submit a timely and compliant bid in response to any RFP, including all mandatory forms and submissions.
7. Responsive bids will be evaluated by the College based on price, terms and conditions, specifications and other factors.
8. All bidders will receive a copy of the College’s Notice of intent to Award or Regret which will identify the successful bidder(s).
9. W-9 Form – Internal Revenue Service Request for Tax Payer Identification Number and Certification. This form must be completed by new vendors before payment requests are processed by the Accounts Payable department.
10. Review Purchasing’s Terms and Conditions – The attached Terms and Conditions apply to all contract or purchase agreements made with The College of New Jersey unless specifically noted otherwise.
11. Vender Direct Deposit Form – Vendors should use the attach form to request that vendor payments are directly deposited. A federal tax ID and an e-mail address is required.
Credit Card Solicitation Act (N.J.S.A. 18A:3C-1 et seq.)
Effective May 2010, credit card issuers must annually register with New Jersey institutions of higher education before engaging in any on-campus solicitation of students.